When you know an elderly neighbor is struggling to get out of the house or maybe a friend has fallen ill and can’t take care of the basics, you’d rush in to help them right? Sometimes life deals you a harder hand than you’re prepared for.
You wouldn’t fault someone else for getting sick and not being able to do their laundry or take care of their kids, right? That person you saw in the library today with dirty clothes might be seriously struggling to get by, yet you wouldn’t ignore them if they asked for help. Sometimes your struggles are more internal and harder to see. There’s no shame in not being able to pay every bill or dressing your children in secondhand clothes. You’re doing the best you can, and sometimes you need help. That’s where we come in.
Whether it’s an emergency or you just need a break from the constant struggles you seem to be facing, one of Family Resource Center’s many programs should be able to help you get back on your feet.
These are just a few of many reasons to call Family Resource Center for assistance. We have a number of mental health and special needs programs, as well as general childcare services for families in the area.
Don’t wait to get help for you or your family. Our organization doesn’t discriminate and For more information, call Family Resource Center at (712) 792-6440.